Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tag of 8

Kim tagged me and I am actually going to do it this time! Doing this is part of my pre-new year's resolutions. So, here we go:

8 shows I love to watch (I have more than 8 so this is hard to limit):

Criminal Minds
Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
Without A Trace

8 favorite restaurants:

Olive Garden
El Charro (the one in Prescott, not Mesa)
On the Border
Macaroni Grill
Buca di Beppo

8 things that happened yesterday:

ASU lost to USC (I'm tire of them beating themselves)
Got to know Randy's new girlfriend Katie
Opened a new bank account
Shopped for new work shoes for Richie
Stayed up til 2:00 talking with Randy and my husband
Played Candy Land as a family
Made Pizza
Cleaned my bathroom

8 things I'm looking forward to:

Richie's first paycheck!
Mom and Dad Pond coming down for Christmas
Megan and Kennis's twins being born
Getting Pregnant (yes we're trying)
Primary Activity on November 15th! (it's going to be awesome)
Richie's Birthday
Carrie Underwood concert!
Quitting work! (getting ready to start the countdown)

8 things on my wish list:

Going on a cruise
Being debt free (except for my house, and this is going to be within the next year)
Being a better Primary President
Tile in my bathrom
My backyard being done
Fart like Randy (inside joke)
Having twins
Being a better Visiting Teacher

8 people I am tagging:
Stacy, Stephanie, Natalie, Callie, Tiffany, Lindsay, Holly & Marcie, Lindy(you ned to start a blog and now's your chance!)


The Giffords said...

Thanks for doing the tag. I learned a lot about you . Good luck on the baby!

Natalie said...

THANKS FOR TAGGING ME! I'm excited to do this one! **we're trying too.. shhhh!** Is Randy dating Katie John? Her sister Mollie and I were good friends in high school and college. :) That's fun! Hope that works out! :D Fun stuff! I'm off to post this on my blog! :D